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Breeding & care
information on Leopard
gecko's Uromastyx Varanus
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Uromastyx hardwickii
Uromastyx hardwickii hatchlings
There are eight species distributed across Africa (north)
and the Middle East to India. At present we are dealing in only two namely
Uromastyx hardwickii its sub-species Uromastyx hardwickii balouchiana and Uromastyx
Uromastyx. acanthinura (commonly known as the Moroccan Uros)
Uromastyx. aegyptius
Uromastyx. asmussi (Strauch, 1863)
Common name: Iranian uromastyx, Range extension: Through out Iran, parts of
Afghanistan and some parts of Pakistan.
Uromastyx. benti (Benti uros) (Anderson, 1894)
Uromastyx. hardwickii (Gray, 1827).
Common name: Indian Spiny Tail Lizard, Range extention : Pakistan, Afghanistan
and parts of India, sub-species include Uramastyx hardwickii balouchiana which
is a bright red brick color pertaining to its terrain.
Uromastyx. maliensis (Jogger, 1998) known as the Mali Uros.
Uromastyx. ocellata (Lichtenstein, 1823) Other subspecies include: U. ocellata macfadyeni(Parker, 1932) from Somalia, & Djibouti and U. ocellata philbyi(Parker, 1938) from Arabia and Jabal.
U. thomasi
Captive husbandry practises for Uromastyx hardwickii & assmusi
The Spiny tail lizards as Uromastyx are often called
are desert dwellers and require high temperatures. In its natural terrain the
Indian spiny tail lizards abounds in semi-desert regions inhabiting sparse grassland
and flat desert with moderately dense clay soil. It is terrestrial and
tends to live in colonies. In the wild it is common to see fifty or more in
one colony, they dig an easly recognisable burrow with a some what cirrcular
entrance. The opening is often plugged with loose earth and dry shrubs while
the lizard is inside. Most burrows go down in a steepe gentle slope. Specimens
meassure about 18 - 24 inches in length but most are longer. Normally only one
adult inhabits one burrow, they are diurnel in nature appearing soon after sun-rise. In
nature they are heavily preyed upon by Hawks, Jackals and wild dogs.
They are herbivorous, in the wild the adults consume wild grasses, flowers,
leaves and fruits but the young hatchlings readily take in small insects (crickets
& worms). Our breeders are maintained on a varied diet of lettuce
leaves and other vegetables matter powdered with vitamins, insects are given
to the adults but occasionally say twice weekly, before bieng fed all insects
are heavily fed on greens, carrots and other matter.
All of their water requirement is fullfiled through moisture in the vegetable
matter, there is no need to offer them water in a dish or otherwise as in the
wild they hardly come across open water sources.
Temperature range
Being desert creatures they require high day time temperatures, for this purpose
a basking spot is provided at the warm end of the thermal gradient which exceeds
122F, the cool end and ambient temperature of the tank should be near to 88F,
at night all heating should be removed and the enclosure be allowed to cool
down to the normal sorrounding temperature.
Sex determination
While in some species of Uromastyx it is fairly easy to distinguish between
sexes (Ornate and Benti, for example show different colors as adults) it is
not so easy in others such as Uromatyx hardwickii. Simply looking at the
animal tells you a lot, the head in males of all species of Uromastyx is larger
than the females, is heavily built with larger head bones and are robust while
the females may be plump and heavy with soft abdomenal area. A more closer
examination may be carried out of the cloacal area, observing the males the
hemipenal bulges would be aparent while in females this area id flat.
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